Thank you for praying for street preacher Oluwole Ilesanmi after a video of his wrongful arrest outside Southgate tube station went viral. With the support of the Christian Legal Centre, street preacher Olu has now been offered £2,500 in exemplary damages from the Metropolitan Police in relation to his false arrest, imprisonment and unlawful detention.
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Street preacher wins police payout
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South London primary school, Heavers farm, has expelled two Year Five pupils for opposing LGBT lessons in schools. Star pupil, Kaysey Francis-Austin has explained how teaching on LGBT has permeated every area of school life, and that is is now "really affecting other kids."
A child's view on LGBT lessons
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Dr David Mackereth, a Christian doctor with 26 years' experience in the NHS, is challenging the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions after he lost his job with the Department for Work and Pensions for refusing to identify clients by their chosen gender instead of their biological sex.
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Doctor fired over trans pronouns
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Christian Concern is delighted to announce that following a long wait for judgment, student social worker Felix Ngole has finally won his case. In a landmark judgment, the Court of Appeal has upheld the rights of UK Christians to freely express their faith on social media and elsewhere without fear for professional careers. Thank you to all who have prayed for a supported Felix Ngole and his family over the past four years. We praise God for this victory!
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Victory for Felix Ngole
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Judgments have been handed down in the cases of Christian magistrate Richard Page upholding the decision to remove Richard from the magistracy and block him from returning as non-exec director of an NHS Trust. Watch Christian Legal Centre's Roger Kiska explain what the judgments mean. Richard was disciplined for saying that a child does best with a mother and a father.. His case represents a watershed moment in our nation's history. Richard intends to appeal the decisions.
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Christian magistrate case
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Welsh diocese worships the god of Pride
August 23rd, 2025 | Church and State, Sexual Orientation
The Diocese of Llandaff is throwing its weight behind this year's Pride Cymru, writing a Prayer for Pride. But what is the right way to show love to LGBT+ people? Communications Manager Paul Huxley comments.
Transgender prisoner debate 'still relevant'
August 23rd, 2025 | Sexual Orientation
In all the debate about whether or not changing gender should be made easier, the question of how to treat transgender prisoners has emerged as one of the most important ones. Carys Moseley looks at this public safety issue that refuses to go away.
Student disqualified for criticising halal meat
August 21st, 2025 | Islam
Tim Dieppe comments on the recent disqualification of a student’s GCSE Religious Studies exam paper simply for criticising halal meat.
Bus driver suspended for personal beliefs
August 16th, 2025 | Freedom, Freedom of Speech
A Norwich bus driver has been suspended and is now facing investigation after refusing to drive a vehicle branded with the Pride rainbow colours.
Crazy cathedrals and stately street preachers
August 12th, 2025 | Church and State
Christian Concern Communications Manager, Paul Huxley, comments on Norwich Cathedral’s recent decision to install a helter skelter ride in its nave.
Is there a moral case for conservatism?
August 9th, 2025 | Church and State
The author of Edmund Burke’s Battle with Liberalism has just released his newest engaging book, The Moral Case for Conservatism, published by Wilberforce Publications.
Sow the seeds of cultural change
August 9th, 2025 | Church and State
In an article for the Spectator this week, Greg Sheridan (foreign editor of The Australian) has argued that “the West cannot survive without a re-energised belief in Christianity”. Christian Concern’s Communications Manager, Paul Huxley, looks at Sheridan’s argument.
God "the only reason" for meth recovery
August 8th, 2025 | Church and State, Social
A husband and wife in Tennessee saw their lives transform as they fought addictions to meth and other drugs with the help of a Christian program at their church.
Atheistic campaign group Humanists UK is supporting a legal challenge over Christian assemblies at Burford Primary School, Oxfordshire.
EU court deals potential blow to pro-life initiative
August 6th, 2025 | Abortion, Bioethics, Life and Bioethics
The Advocate General in the Grand Chamber case of 'One of Us' has finally issued his opinion suggesting that the European Commission can reject pro-life legislative proposals based solely on political ideology.
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The Guardian: Gay marriage cake: customer takes case to European court
BBC: Ashers 'gay cake' row referred to European Court
Life Site: Google whistleblower goes public, releases hundreds of documents on bias, censorship
Daily Mail: Bus driver is suspended after refusing to drive a vehicle with gay-pride rainbow colours on it because it 'promoted homosexuality'
Premier: Rev calls to remove compulsory worship from UK schools
Premier: Helter skelter in Norwich Cathedral accused of 'making mockery of God'
Church Times: Prisoner in mental-health unit gains access to rites
Evangelical Focus: Street preacher awarded £2,500 for wrongful arrest